The Cage by Bob Holroyd – Let’s Everything In!

The Cage - Bob Holroyd

The Cage – Bob Holroyd -U.K. Multinstrumentalist

Sometimes an album just strikes the right chord with you! Such is the case with The Cage the new release from U.K. master sound manipulator and musical space-shaper Bob Holroyd. The first time I listened to the album, I knew it was for me. Subsequently it has been the soundtrack for my morning yoga and meditations. And every time  I listen to it I hear something new! Read More

An Essential for 2013 from Echoes – Ludovico Einaudi – In a Time Lapse

The other day Echoes with John Diliberto issued their list of   25 Essential Echoes CDs for 2013. Atop that list was the album In A Time Lapse, from Ludovico Einaudi,  which I finally listened to today.  It was a very beautiful collection of music that is a perfect soundtrack for my workday, nice a soothing, just the right sound to help keep me calm and focused!! Not knowing anything about Mr, Eindaudi. I first went to his website, where his biography is in his native Italian. Since I was not using Googke Chrome at the time, I left his website and went searching for information  about him elsewhere on the net, at places like WIKIPEDIA – surprised!! Read More

More from the Birthday Boy Jesse Cook as I go “Into the Night” and move “Closer to Madness”

Closer to MdnessSo I was all set to go “Into the Night” with some Airbag a prog-rock band that was recommended by son Andrew and whose music I have been enjoying over the last two days. And then my ADD struck when I saw on the YouTube sidebar another of my favorites from birthday boy Jesse Cook and since I’m going back to work at Target tonight on this Black Friday Weekend, the title was right – so let’s go “Into the Night: and move just a little “Closer to Madness:…. …. and tomorrow you’ll hear about Airbag… Read More