Oliver and Granddad Walk Around Paulsboro….

Actually, Oliver Rides and Granddad walks and walks and walks……..


So, I pretty much think that when they say that you should walk 3 times a week for thirty minutes a walk,that they don’t mean do it all in one day!!  That’s what I did yesterday as grandson Oliver and I took five, count them, five walks around his Paulsboro neighborhood!

When the day started  Oliver seemed tired, and we made it all the way until about 8:30 before he wanted to go for a walk. My wife and I arrived at 8 by the way! So off, Oliver and I went. The walk lasted about thirty minutes and we visited the dogs both real and statues on Greenwich Ave, along with the house with the elephant statue in the front yard!

After breakfast and some reading etc Oliver appeared increasingly tired. So around 9:45 so we went out again thinking he surely will fall asleep in the stroller this time!! Wrong!! We did get to see the train on this walk though, so that was exciting.

The third walk, which was taken around 12:00,  was another 30 minute plus walk. Oliver finally feel asleep on this walk!. The only problem was, that I was about 10 minutes away from his house when he fell asleep, so by the time we reached home, made our way up to his room and laid him down, he popped right up!! He laid down, then popped up again and apparently that power nap worked wonders, because it got him through lunch and on in to the afternoon!! The fourth walk was a shorter walk, The walk included a street with no sites, specifically chosen for that reason, with hopes that the boredom would lull him to sleep, which it did. Luckily for me and him, he stayed asleep!! The fifth and final walk was taken because I had left the stroller up ater quickly bringing it in the house when a brief rainstorm came just after the end of the sleep induced walk! Once he saw the stroller, when he woke up from his nap, there was no way he was not going on his last walk!!

So here are two of the highlights of our walks
Elephant House


This is the house with the elephant statue, that is now right about where the pumpkin is on the right side of the lawn!

Two Dogs

He also loves these two dog statues! Typically when we leave them Oliver is not amused and often screams to go back!! Sometimes I give in and other times I say “let’s go find the elephant!!! What’s that elephant say?”

Needless, to say after all that walking, granddad was just a ;little tuckered out last night, but there’s bad tired and good tired and I bet you can guess which one last night was, eh??

Featured Image: Oliver prepares for a walk – note the family cat Zack in the netted basket in the bottom of the stroller trying to be a stowaway!

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